כחול פיגמנט 15:2

Technical parameters of Pigment blue 15:2

מספר אינדקס צבעוניכחול פיגמנט 15:2
מספר CAS12239-87-1
מספר האיחוד האירופי205-685-1
Chemical GroupPhthalocyanine
משקל מולקולרי611.52
נוסחה מולקולריתC32H15CiCuN8
ערך חומציות7.0
ספיגת שמן (ml / 100 גרם)%50
מהירות האור8
עמיד לחום200 (°C)
עמיד במים5
עמידות בשמן5
התנגדות חומצה5
התנגדות אלקאלי5
Benzene Resistance5
Ketone Resistance5
Soap Resistance5
Bleeding Resistance5
Migration Resistance5
Density ( g/cm3)1.5
Moisture (%)≤1.0
Water Soluble Matter (%)≤1.0
Oil Absorption (ml/100g)35-45
Electric Conductivity (us/cm)≤400
Residue on 325 mesh sieve (Wet method)PPM≤80
Magnetic on 325 mesh sieve (Wet method)PPM≤8
PH Value6.5-7.5
מבנה מולקולרי

Handling and storage

Usual precautions for nuisance dust should be observed.
Protection against fire and explosion:
The product is non-flammable

Store in roofed places at room temperature Keep containers tightly sealed.
Flammability Class: nor applicable.

תכונות פיזיקליות וכימיות

Appearance: blue powder Odor: mild
Melting point:460℃ Relative density:1.36-1.80
Decomposition: None Flammability: see 7 handling
Molecular formula:C32H16CuN8 Molecular Weight: 576.07
Tinting strength: 95-105% of the standard Volatile matter at 105℃: 2.5%max
Soluble matter in water: 1.5% max Oil absorption:28-62%
Fastness to light:7-8 Fastness to heat(℃):200
Bleeding resistance water: 5 Bleeding resistance linseed oil:5
Bleeding resistance acid:5 Bleeding resistance alkalis:5
Bleeding resistance alcohol:5 Bleeding resistance xylone:4
Bleeding resistance ethyl acetate:4

Stability and reactivity

Hazardous decomposition products
No decomposition at proper storage and application conditions

Toxicological Information

Because of experience with product mentioned, there are no recognizable hazards for human
beings, if it is correctly used and applied.

 Ecological information

Avoid filtration into waster draining or soil.

Disposal considerations

Uses should acquaint themselves with local regulations.
Disposal is usually carried out by burying at an approved tip or by incineration by a licensed
waste material processor; stack gases may need to be sorubbed (see section 5 above)